Uncharted 3: Drake’s Deception heads to Europe

Gary Madeo
Gary Madeo - Gründer und Autor
1 Min

It seems Sony’s con­firmed that Drake’s next adven­ture will take him from Europe all the way to the Middle East in search of the fabled “Atlantis of the Sands”.

Accord­ing to a list­ing on Sony’s site the game will take play­ers to “spec­tac­u­lar loc­a­tion around the world”, includ­ing both Europe and the Middle East.

It’s pre­vi­ously been rumoured that Drake will take a detour to a derel­ict chat­eau in France.

It’s been con­firmed that the game will fea­ture the return of mul­ti­player, includ­ing its co-op mode, which will fea­ture “new exper­i­ences” and “expan­ded fea­ture sets”. Naughty Dog’s also prom­ising new innov­a­tions in sand, fire, smoke, water dynam­ics and effects.

Uncharted 3: Drake’s Decep­tion is sched­uled to launch on Novem­ber 1, 2011.

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von Gary Madeo Gründer und Autor
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